Importance of Proper Dog Grooming
your dog is not just about retaining its cleanliness or good looks. Dog
grooming is also about maintaining its health and wellness, and ensuring health
problems do not occur in the future. You should start with your dog’s grooming
right from the time when he or she is a few weeks to few months old. This will
help your pet get accustomed to getting the coat cleaned or ear waxed without
any unease. Starting proper dog grooming when your pet is grown up is
difficult. If you wait for too long to take your dog to
a grooming professional then your pet is likely to face problems,
especially when his ears are being cleaned or nails clipped.
is essential to maintain the health of the dog’s coat. Regular brushing and
combing is a must for all kinds of dogs. It does not matter if they have long
or short hair. Brushing removes dandruff, dead skin and dirt. It spreads the
natural oil in their fur and gives their coat a healthy gloss. Long haired dogs
need more time for grooming in comparison to short haired ones, as it takes
more time to brush the fur of long haired dogs.
other things, proper dog grooming is important because it takes care of their
health. Let’s take the case of the eyes. We all fall for adoring puppy eyes but
these need regular check up. Professional grooming experts know how to check
the eyes and make sure they are perfectly fine. The same applies to the ears.
You have to get your dog’s ears cleaned regularly. Over time, ear wax may
accumulate in their ears and it will not only look bad but also smell worse.
With proper grooming, your dog’s ears would not smell at all. Also, the
grooming professionals will be able to tell you when to take your dog to a
important thing that professionals can help you with is nail clipping. You
should make your dog habituated with nail clipping from their puppy days.
Active dogs generally do not need nail clipping but pets that stay indoors need
it regularly. Long nails can grow into their pads and skin. It can cause pain
and even skin infections. The best way to get the nails clipped is by taking
your pet to professional groomers.
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