Get the Best Cat Grooming Services in a Chapel Hill Boarding Kennel

If you've ever lasted a week without bathing, brushing your hair, or trimming your nails, you will know just how awful and uncomfortable your companion animal feels without proper grooming. A healthy and happy pet also requires basic grooming and hygiene. Basic grooming procedures like brushing your cat's hair, cleaning its fur, and bathing are simple enough to be done at home, by yourself. In fact, these activities help form bond between you and your four legged friend.

However, regular visits to a professional groomer are also important so that your pet can be checked for conditions that might not be evident with just simple brushing and bathing. Clipping nails, cleaning the ears, and teeth are just some of the more complicated and precise things a groomer can help you with. You can simply remove food, dirt, and gunk that accumulate in these areas over time, safely and properly. A professionally trained groomer also knows how to check for infections, lumps, and other unusual growth in your pet's skin that might be hiding under their thick coat.

Boarding kennels are great places to take your cat for regular grooming. These kinds of places have all the tools, time, experience, and the skills to take care of your pet and groom them adequately. Whether your pet needs a medicated flea bath or a simple snip to remove tangled fur, you should consider the services of a boarding kennel that also offers professional grooming.

Cat and dog grooming is so much more than just a simple bath and hair cut. Regular visits to a local grooming place are also beneficial for maintaining your pet's health and ensuring its comfort all the time. Not only do you get a clean, parasite-free pet, you also get a healthy, happy, well groomed companion.
